My Mexico

Location: United Kingdom

Monday, July 09, 2007

070707 walk 015

070707 walk 015
Originally uploaded by KarenSaraGaches
Looking back at the willows (they do continue on though.)
I love this photo! You know, the more I look at this photo the less I think it looks like Mexico! This is the Mexico I know, but not one that many tourists know. Why? It's green!

On Saturday afternoon Rafa and I were going to go to Santiago and to the Ocotal park. We decided to take a different route along the back roads, but then realised that five of the dogs were following us, (hence the first photo.) So, we had a change of plans. We had a walk under the willows until it started to rain. We went back to the car but then it stopped raining. So we went across the road and followed the stream up to the lake. It's our normal lake but we're walking round the right hand side (as viewed from our house.)

snow on the Nevado

snow on the Nevado
Originally uploaded by KarenSaraGaches
Snow in the tropics in the summer - July 8th to be precise!!
The Nevado de Toluca seen from Atlacomulco.

San Pedro del Rosal 005

San Pedro del Rosal 005
Originally uploaded by KarenSaraGaches
Anyway, after that we went on towards Santiago. On the way we stopped off at a beautiful church I saw from the road. It’s in San Pedro del Rosal and at the moment it’s the town’s festival so it’s beautifully done up. (Photo taken through the bars on the gate as it was locked!)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

atlacomulco june 2007 006

So, this is the main focus of the main square in Atlacomulco where Rafa and I are living right now. It's Rafa's home town, though we was born in Toluca (the state capital which is an hour from here.) His family is from San Luis Boro, a small town 5 minutes away where we have our house. Anyway, I'm putting a set of photos together of the town so you can see where we live. These are the two churches - new (finished last year if I remember rightly) and old.